Thursday, January 29, 2009

My grandaddy is 79 years old today! He was born 1/29/1930! How different the world was then! God truely blessed me in allowing me to have him as my GRANDdaddy! I think that our GRANDparents are called that for a reason! Mine raised their 3 kids and my sisters and me! Over 55 years of raising kids!!! I don't know how two people can do it, unless it is with God's love, and helping hands. I know exactly why God chose them for me and I am eternally greatful!
I love you Buddy and I hope to have many many more years with us on earth and I will have you for a lifetime in my heart! Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Sisters - Monica, Makenzie, Erica, Me and Windy (Erica's sister-in-law)
Dwight and I

My dad and I - I do not know how to change the pictures direction, nor how to fix the dates on my camera.

Erica, Me, Kenadie, and Makenzie, MISSING MONICA!

Kayce, Dwight and Logan!

Me and my newest niece Emily Kaye!


Dwight and Logan

So I am so bad at blogging that I am going to completely start over!
I am so excited for 2009!
So here is a little about me and my life!
I am getting married in March to Dwight. He such a good person and I am SO excited to have him and his son Logan in my life! Logan is 7. He thinks is going to marry my niece, Lynnsey. This is probably because Lynnsey probably told him he was going to! It starts young!

I will post some random pictures so you can tell who is who! And I will take more pictures so I can post them!

Angela Sadler